
Note: more pictures are coming!

It’s been over a month since I last wrote anything. That was when I had returned from Vienna and was back to enjoying Salzburg. Recently I found myself sitting in Heathrow waiting to find out which gate my BA flight departed from from while I sat across from where I sat exactly 6 weeks before. Pulling from my memory, I see a girl so desperately ready to get on a plane to Munich so she can get to her summer home, Salzburg, just a bus ride away from Germany. She loved her weekend in London, the coolest city she has ever been to (so cool that she could move there without second thoughts), and she even wore her new fab sequined parrot shirt wit
 h the cool sleeves she bought in Camden Town her last night in England. She is sitting amongst new friends, many whose names she can’t remember but only because she has been so busy and the whole group isn’t even together yet. She is tired. She slept 7 hours in 3 nights, but is ready to hit the ground running in Austria.