
Being sappy...

Normally I like to write something witty or informational about where I live to try and entertain you as much as I can. But today, my short but sweet blog post is dedicated to the greatest friend I have ever had. In January, as I perused through my friend Amanda's photos, I thought to myself that Peru looked fun. Amanda, who I met last year, had a job here. I was glad to see that she had good friends her first month here, including a girl named Claire who looked like a really fun person. Who knew, that within that same month I would have a job at the same school in Peru as Amanda and Claire, and I would soon be included in their crazy photos.

When I arrived on January 29, 2011, I reunited with Amanda and met Claire Hughes. My first thought was that she was the most bubbly and witty girl I've ever met. In the span of 4 months, Claire and I developed a friendship unlike any I have ever had. After I was here two weeks, Claire and I spent Valentines Day together because our other friends were working. It was the most ridiculous and funniest holiday ever spent with a friend. I think that was the day we really bonded. I have too many memories with Claire to even list them. But all I can say is that I miss Claire yelling out my name from the street where I live so she could be let in the door, napping together in my room, a bus, a hostel on vacation, and more, performing to Bohemian Rhapsody, Valerie, Bad Romance, Total Eclipse of the Heart, and more on the bar and outside the bar at the Llama, telling each other our secrets over a few drinks, chasing each other around on weekends out, scartching backs, McPerving (our term for watching Greys Anatomy all day), and lounging in my room with a box of wine.
Claire's last night here was one of the saddest days of my life. We couldnt handle saying goodbye to each other in front of everyone so we had to walk outside the pub where we both went mental and started crying like insane people. With everyone staring, make up running down our faces, ridiculous hugging, we said goodbye over the course of two hours. And then repeated it the next morning when she got into a taxi and left. Im sure the people of Peru are concerned about crazy gringos in their city who cry on the street in broad daylight. Mind you, I had to go to work after that, and I proceeded to cry in the middle of a private English lesson.
So if you havent guessed it already, I miss Claire Hughes like crazy. I honestly will never find another friend like her. She is the funniest, sweetest, most intriguing, charming little Brit in the world. My time in Arequipa wouldnt have been nearly the same without her here. The good news is that I might see her again in August. So until our next adventure, I will be missing my best friend.

1 comment:

  1. LAURASAURUS! I think this is quite possibly the most lovely things anyone has ever said about me you lovely soppy sweetheart. In fact I don't think anyone has ever described me as funny before (well maybe my face is a bit funny looking) I'm not as good as you at the public declarations of love (which by the way is one of the things I love about you, you are not afraid to feel or to say how you feel) but I can say I have never had a friend that within two months I have spooned/scratched/napped with....I love that you can laugh at yourself, I love you say exactly what you are thinking, I love that you are still an awesome friend to me even when i am drunk and telling you to go away and dammit i LOVE your sexy long legs and your curly diva hair. Valentines Day was indeed romantic and wonderful, it will be difficult to top our pharmacy trip (tres mas por favor) and susbsequent drinking of copious amounts of wine...wish i could put you in my pocket and take you everywhere little spoon. The sun is rising here, which means I should probably go to sleep and stop pretending to myself that i still live on Peruvian time....much love from across the Atlantic x
